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Charlie's blog

10/15/2023 - First blog post entry


1. When and Where


Real Change, a Seattle-based newspaper with roots in Pioneer Square, offers weekly insights into social justice and local community issues, particularly advocating and giving a platform for those experiencing houselessness and poverty. Available through vendors in Seattle's high-traffic areas and online at, its content ranges from current events to personal narratives. Each week, the news is whipped up by a mix of professional journalists, community contributors, and the vendors themselves. Founded in 1994, Real Change has usually maintained a consistent publication schedule, with the last break occurring during the pandemic. Their dedication to the community is highlighted by their perseverance, even in the worst of times. They’re more than just cheap talk.


2. Group work promise


Throughout my college experience, I’ve had the pleasure of working in a wide variety of groups, finding each to be a unique learning journey, even when there was a complete breakdown of group cohesion. Interestingly, the most effective teams practiced core IAS tenets without realizing. First and foremost, the key is approaching collaboration with openness and empathy. We should acknowledge that not everyone has the same life experience, and some students may be struggling even to make it to class. Part of empathy and openness comes respecting everyone's time; we all have personal lives, so it's essential to maintain a commitment to our tasks and bring our best selves to each session.


The most important tenet of group work is communication. We need to check our canvas email daily during the week and notify the group if something comes up. We also don't necessarily need to know what's going on. It’s okay to have personal life conflicts with school, as long as it’s not habitual and we have proper heads up, take the time you need to succeed. Overall, I’m excited to work with this group and see what we journalistic insights we can dissect

Real Change, Real focus: A paper that gives back.

By Charlie Quane



When we first started analyzing Real Change News it seemed obvious which audience the paper had in mind, progressives in the Seattle area. The paper was originally slated towards being an outlet for those experiencing poverty to speak on their issues, while making a little cash as a vendor. This has since shifted.


The founder, Timothy Harris, was quoted in a 2005 Seattle Times article stating he wanted the paper to be seen “as the progressive, community news source.” It seems they succeeded in their mission. Today, Real Change News shines like a beacon for progressive ideals and has incorporated a variety of topics outside of homelessness.


Real Change’s transformation includes plan to reach readers, The Seattle Times, Sara Green Jean (2005, February 1).]


Questions for Real Change News:

  1. The 2020 pandemic was hard on everyone and caused huge disruptions in the workplace. DId Real Change have to stop publications? If so, what type of adaptations did you make to get the presses running?


  1. We read that the vendor program allows people to buy copies of the paper and resell them to make some cash. How was this program affected by the pandemic and what does it look like now?

The Newsroom


I used to imagine the newsroom journalist as a cigarette-smoking, sunken-eyed individual, always chasing the latest scoop. My perception was limited to believing news was crafted only within the confines of a studio (or black trans-am). This changed after diving into the graphic novel "V for Vendetta", where a newsroom worker gets abducted by the insurgent, V, who awakens her to the propaganda she disseminated. In reality, a newsroom is a bustling hub of dedicated professionals, many with advanced degrees, working tirelessly, often fueled by caffeine, to deliver timely and accurate media to the masses.


















Credit: REMEMBER, REMEMBER ‘V FOR VENDETTA… ’ Corrye Van Caeseele-Cook, 06/06/2016






One concept from Barbie Zelizer’s discussion that particularly stood out was "journalism as a service." Zelizer posits that journalism isn't merely an act of reporting; it's a service committed to addressing the needs of its audience. This perspective resonates deeply when we examine the vendor program of "Real Change News." Real Change doesn’t merely disseminate news; it offers an immediate work opportunity, becoming a beacon of hope for over 600 individuals annually. Real Change fosters a nurturing community, providing vendors with an array of essential services, from medical care to a dedicated computer lab. Through its vendor program, "Real Change News" is not just offering news—it's serving the community, embodying Zelizer's concept of journalism as a service.




















Credit: Real Change News, taken from article "Real Change launches critical Winter Fund Drive" by By Camilla Walter, November 12, 2020



Journalism as a Service

WFD Facebook Ad.jpg

Democracy Under the Lens
By Charlie Quane

At the core of democracy, journalism acts as a checks and balances system, mirroring the people's interests and ensuring that government actions are monitored. The responsibility rests on local journalists to report corruption, holding public officials to the scrutiny of their constituents. Real Change News stands as a guardian of marginalized populations by amplifying their voices and championing leaders whose values resonate with community needs. Their reporting is not just informative but a civic duty that uplifts democracy.

























Change begins with you
By Charlie Quane

Change. It’s something we hear a lot about here in the Pacific Northwest. It feels like everywhere you go you hear about a community outreach program, local elections, or a farmers market dedicated to feeding the needy. These are all indications of high “Civic Engagement” in our society and they embody what Real Change News is all about. Getting involved with political or non-political movements to develop meaningful changes that uplift local communities. Civil engagement is about seeing what your community needs and working towards assisting through a coordinated effort. 





















Photos by Henry Behrens -  the article : Nowhere to lay their head: Hundreds of migrants making camp at Tukwila churchBy Nura Ahmed and Guy Oron November 2, 2023

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Revise, Edit, Copy Paste


Revision is the key to success





By Charlie Quane | December 3, 2023


The biggest feedback we received on the blog was: the home page was a mess, most recent posts being at the end was confusing, no place for readers to engage, and the all articles section was missing. The blog quickly fell into shambles and each post was a rushed mess to get the assignment down. 


To avoid these issues and some quick tips we can offer include:

  • Using your website platforms premade blog system. It wasn’t until week 7 did we realize it didn’t have to be individual text boxes.

  • Once our posts were accumulated into the Wix system, it was easy to add blog elements that highlighted recent posts.

  • We then added home page elements to make navigation simple and link to the Real Change News website. 

  • Each of the blog posts comes prepacked with the ability for readers to leave comments.

  • Ensure social media links are visible on the footer

  • Finally, the most important tip is to prepare more than you feel is necessary. Early leg work will save you immensely. 


We hope you will learn from our mistakes, and triumphs, to create a unique blog that’s also a breeze to navigate.

By Charlie Quane | December 3, 2023


To all my faithful readers, this is the end. We have reached the end of our term and, alas, I find the closing of our chapter with gratitude. Over the past 10 weeks, we set off to learn about the journalistic method and weren’t let down. The first posts and musings read as novellas that belong on deviant art, amateurish. With the most recent posts elegantly gliding through each of the topics. Short, sweet, and no BS. That’s how we did it at Communities Now. 


Till next time,

Charlie Q



We are Deathpact


Photo by: Avocado from the Deathcord, and Deathpact. Beans.

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