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Real Change News uses social media for inclusivity and representation

By Nico Shorack, Charlie Quane, and Kevin Le | Nov. 20, 2023

The Real Change News Vendor Program can strengthen its engagement with online communities like Black Twitter by focusing on acknowledgment and representation. This aligns with the program's mission to give a voice to marginalized communities and can be achieved by incorporating narratives prevalent in Black Twitter into the newspaper's content. With their diverse backgrounds, the vendors can play a crucial role in this process by sharing stories from social media and participating in content creation. This approach ensures that Real Change reflects the concerns and interests of digital communities. By adopting these strategies, Real Change can enhance its commitment to inclusivity and representation, resonating with the recommendations from the research on social media communities and mainstream news. 

Real change news embodies representation and inclusivity while raising money through social media. 

ImageCredit: Henry Behrens, Real Change News Facebook, 2023,


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