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What is the importance of Business Journalism:



Nico Shorack

Kevin Le

Charlie Quane


“Nearly all stories can have a business angle” is what the Missouri Groups News Reporting and Writing says about why business news is important. The general idea is that so many people’s lives and security are affected by what happens in business news, from retirement investments, new health breakthroughs, to companies having to rapidly get rid of workers. Events that happen that are news can also affect businesses in completely different areas. For example a transport ship getting stuck in the Suez canal can completely affect the entire global shipping industry, and have trickle down effects for commercialization across the globe. What the Missouri Group is getting at with this quote is that almost anything that happens in the world, on a local or global scale can affect business, and thus it is important to cover these events through journalism. Coverage of these events from a business perspective helps to educate people like retirees or people who will be affected by current events just how exactly they will be impacted, serving to educate the population.

News article:

Local government navigates APEC convention, corporate interests concerned about taxes.

Real Change News covered the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit and its ties to the local community. Relations between the US and China have been stressed recently, and the summit was focusing on how the private sector and public sector can come together to have successful business in Seattle. This affects the local population heavily because it was obvious the private sector was looking to spend the least with local government (taxes) or else they will move to a different state. The public sector has to keep international allies happy, while appeasing corporate ventures.

Real Change News is reporting on this because the state and federal government are focusing on global interest instead of local. They provide further context into the complete economic and political issues surrounding the event, which in turn tells the whole truth behind the convention.

Oron, G. (2023, August 30). Trade is back in town: Takeaways from Seattle’s hosting of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Summit. Aug. 30-Sept. 5, 2023 | Real Change.

Image Credit: Guy Oron, Real Change News, 2023,


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